The following things about the culture of Bulgaria you can find in my web site:
Telephones and addresses of theaters in Sofia
Opera and Ballet in Sofia
Information about some of the art galleries in Sofia
Some very useful links: www.hotmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.gbg.bg, www.bulgaria.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.lycos.nl, www.bg/museum/museum.htm, museum.web.bg, www.goldensands.bg, www.travel-bulgaria.com/riviera, www.travel-bulgaria.com/bata, www.milena.bg, www.terrabulgaria.nl, www.online.bg, www.dir.bg, www.winebg.com, www.econ.bg, www.bba.bg, www.bgtextiles.org, www.pirin-sings.com, www.meteo.bg, www.goglobal-travel.com, www.dimeca.netbg.com, www.stoep.dordt.nl