The Opera, "Bulgaria" classical music hall, The "Musical Theater" and the "National Palace of Culture" are the places for classical music fans, and you can listen to concerts by both Bulgarian and guest musicians.Here is some information about the Opera and Ballet in Sofia:
Sofia National Opera and Ballet:*1 Vrabcha St.*Opera Box Office - 30 Dondukov Blvd. Open from 8.30am-7.30pm., Tel. 8877011, 871333
*Sofia National Opera and Ballet Website with partial English Language program
*All performances start at 7pm unless otherwise indicated.
*1 Aksakov St., Tel. 875237
Some very useful links: www.hotmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.gbg.bg, www.bulgaria.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.lycos.nl, www.bg/museum/museum.htm, museum.web.bg, www.goldensands.bg, www.travel-bulgaria.com/riviera, www.travel-bulgaria.com/bata, www.milena.bg, www.terrabulgaria.nl, www.online.bg, www.dir.bg, www.winebg.com, www.econ.bg, www.bba.bg, www.bgtextiles.org, www.pirin-sings.com, www.meteo.bg, www.goglobal-travel.com, www.dimeca.netbg.com, www.stoep.dordt.nl