If you want to find general information about the tourism in Bulgaria, please click here.
There are many places in Bulgaria that people can visit. In this page you can find relevant information that you might need if you decide to visit my country as a tourist. Here is a list of pages where you can go to find what you require:
Here I provide a list of hotels with their addresses and telephone numbers. The hotels are sorted by the cities they are situated in.
This is a short list of cities with links to sites where you can find detailed information about them
Here are some Bulgarian resorts with general information about them
The biggest and most beautiful monastery in Bulgaria
Here are the biggests museums in Sofia
Some very useful links: www.hotmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.gbg.bg, www.bulgaria.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.lycos.nl, www.bg/museum/museum.htm, museum.web.bg, www.goldensands.bg, www.travel-bulgaria.com/riviera, www.travel-bulgaria.com/bata, www.milena.bg, www.terrabulgaria.nl, www.online.bg, www.dir.bg, www.winebg.com, www.econ.bg, www.bba.bg, www.bgtextiles.org, www.pirin-sings.com, www.meteo.bg, www.goglobal-travel.com, www.dimeca.netbg.com, www.stoep.dordt.nl