The Balkan Peninsula is situated in the southeast part of Europe. It received its name from the mountain called "Old Mountain", which is also known as the Balkan Mountains. My home country Bulgaria is situated in the east part of the Balkan Peninsula. Look at a map of Europe (Bulgaria is colored with brown color):To the north Bulgaria is separated from Romania by the Danube river. The mountains called Old Mountains divides the country in two parts: Northern and Southern Bulgaria. The capital of Bulgaria at the moment is Sofia, which is the biggest city in the country. Other big cities are Plovdiv, Varna and Burgas. A big treasure for my country is the Black Sea. With the beautiful resorts the coast of Bulgaria attracts a lot of tourists. During the winter, lovers of the winter sports can have a wonderful time in the high and beautiful Bulgarian mountains called Rila, Pirin and the Rodops. The climate and nature of Bulgaria allow the tourist industry to develop. To the North of the Old Mountain the Danube Valley is situated. This is how Bulgaria looks like on the map (I have labeled the neighboring countries of Bulgaria):
Please click here to go to a Photo Album with many wonderful pictures of the nature and culture of Bulgaria.
Some very useful links: www.hotmail.com, www.yahoo.com, www.gbg.bg, www.bulgaria.com, www.google.com, www.altavista.com, www.lycos.nl, www.bg/museum/museum.htm, museum.web.bg, www.goldensands.bg, www.travel-bulgaria.com/riviera, www.travel-bulgaria.com/bata, www.milena.bg, www.terrabulgaria.nl, www.online.bg, www.dir.bg, www.winebg.com, www.econ.bg, www.bba.bg, www.bgtextiles.org, www.pirin-sings.com, www.meteo.bg, www.goglobal-travel.com, www.dimeca.netbg.com, www.stoep.dordt.nl